A classic street theatre repertoire.
Bogota. November 22: National Park Enrique Oloya Herrera. November 23: Bosa Arts Park.
The two representations made in coproduction with the Chiminigagua group from Bogota, inside the framework of the XXV International Arts Festival-Popular Culture Invasion, Dimonis have become a classic of the digest of street theatre. With five days of intensive work the 17 actors and 4 musicians of resident group in the popular district of Bosa from southern Bogota, reproduced music, fireworks, dances and essential characters of Comediants’ Dimonis. Comediants team that carried out the project was: Jaume Bernadet responsible for the script and direction, Jordi Vidal and Ramon Calduch in music, Montse Colomé in choreography and dance, Jin Hua Kuan production and characterization, Andreu Bresca buildings and Antonio Buil pyrotechnics.