Orpheus and Eurydice, an opera in three acts by Christoph Willibald Gluck, has a simple structure based only on three characters, ballet and choir and was the first piece of operatic reform written by Gluck.
It is an intimate opera that penetrates fully into the world of emotions and explores this world. Gluck himself said that his music expresses the most intense feelings and lets the drama and poetry flow inside. The resonance of this classical Greek tragedy beats in the heart of the work and fills each passage with emotion.
The mise en scène of Gluck’s opera by Joan Font reflects the validity and timeless nature of the myth of Orpheus in the eyes of contemporary audiences with a symbolic use of colour that completely envelops the setting and allows the public to fully immerse themselves in the character’s feelings, sharing in his emotional process and seeing the reality with his eyes.
Orpheus and Eurydice is a co-production for the International Festival of Peralada Castle and the Musical Fortnight of San Sebastian.
5th August 2002. Auditorium of the Gardens of Peralada Castle.